Thursday, February 11, 2021

Writing goals for 2021

 I always try and set goals at the end of the year for the future year, but this year instead of just doing overall goals for the year I also set just writing goals, and this is my list of what I hope to achieve with writing this year.

  • Finish writing and editing my books from 2020
  • Publish Three books
  • Write 200k by march (June at the latest)
  • write a total of 500k in the year
  • get at least ten sales on Wrongful Love
  • upload at least one blog post a month on writing blog
  • keep twitter and writing page up to date on my work
  • upload twice a month minimum on Wattpad to get more exposure.
  • Make my writing blog more appealing to readers.
While some of these goals are probably far fetched and I won't achieve them, I still want to try my hardest and at the end of the year as long as I tried my best I will feel like I've accomplished a lot even if I haven't really.

What are your writing goals for 2021?