Sunday, May 15, 2022

My typical writing routine


Now that I have a child to also take care of my typical writing routine has changed a lot very quickly and while I’m still trying to juggle everything I almost have it down packed. 

Each week I focus on a different thing but I only ever have two books on the go. 

One week I will be editing one book and the next week I am writing a different book but I now refuse to change which book I’m writing or editing until the previous book is done. 

If I get writers block I take a week off and then the next week I look into agents and a plan of how to publish before diving back into editing. 

I try and write or edit for thirty minutes a day, typically this is once baby goes to sleep before I follow but sometimes I will use speech to text on my phone on the writing weeks to get more words quickly while I’m doing housework. 

When I have to edit things get harder but I am doing a lot on my phone right now so I have Grammarly installed on my phone to help me edit on the go. 

I try and brainstorm when I am in the car and I have nothing better to do while I sit passenger. 

This routine doesn’t work all the time and I can’t wait for it to be more consistent so I can really concur my writing but for now this is what I’m left with and that’s okay.