Promoting books can be challenging, but we live in a world where social media can be really a valuable tool to promote your books.
Using social media for your writing can be difficult but not impossible. I have all my writing social media separate from my main social media. I run a blog, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook page and podcast all to do about writing.
It can be hard to juggle it all but find what social media will work best for you and go with it, I don’t use tiktok for my writing but I could if I really wanted too.
The key is be consistent and don’t always promote your work do it sparking and upload content about writing in general and then share your work every now and then. This is the process I have found to work for me the most.
I post every second day on my Instagram and Facebook page, once a week on my podcast, twice a day on my Twitter as I can. This might be too much for you but what ever schedule you decide make sure you stick to it.
Do your research on keywords and use them effortlessly so that you can get the most views possible on your work. Don’t use hashtags with a lot of posts but don’t use ones with only a couple because you won’t get seen that way look for the middle ground.
My last tip is to have fun with it.
What are your tips for social media promoting and writing? Let me know in the comments.