Wednesday, May 31, 2023

becoming the female stephen king

Growing up, I was obsessed with Stephen King. When I started writing to be published, I soon began studying everything he has ever done because, unlike most people, I had an unhealthy obsession with becoming the female version of him.

i was always trying to get my writing up there with him and i got close at times while he doesn't say how many words per minute he can write by working out that he writes 2,000 words a day and spends roughly three to four hours writing a day. i worked out that his word per minute is around 11.1 words. this shocked me because i had always thought that it was way more than that especially since i was already writing 60 words per minute.

Stephen King published his first book when he was 26 years old, he had tried with many other books and never gotten there but Carrie would change that.

i published my first book by a self publishing website at 14 but later took it off the market due to thinking i could edit and sell my own book all by myself which i couldn't and actually left a large chunk of my book unedited (amateur move Phoebe amateur move)

My next book i published was actually though self-publishing at the age of 17 and that was the real start of my writing career in my opinion.

After I published my first I quickly wrote and published 9 more books meaning I was well on my way to becoming famous even if only one book took off. 

While I don’t know if I will ever become the female version of Stephen king it gives me something to work towards and to never stop fighting to get my books out there into the world.