Wednesday, April 15, 2020

How i outline my books

outlining books can be a daunting experience, i pride myself in my Panster ways but for writing challenges like NaNoWriMo i do a brief outline and in today's post, i am going to talk over how i do my brief outlines.

first, i get a clean piece of paper in a book. i like to have a physical copy for if im travelling and don't have internet. i then like to write my characters names on one piece of paper, just there names so that i know the names off by heart and not have to scroll halfway up my book to find the name. i do make book bibles which i will get into in the future but i don't write my plans in my book bible.

i then get my black pen and start writing, any idea i can think of for my book i write down. i don't do it in any particular order nor by chapter because i feel that limits me in my writing.

by the end of it, my plan will look a lot like this

things to write in project {what ever the project name is} 

  • meet Andrew
  • kill beast
  • date night
  • get to know Andrew
  • the fight scene with hunters
  • learn magic powers
  • find out about the supernatural world
  • find out she is magic
  • Andrew
  • Emily
  • Sofia
  • jack
  • Patrick
  • baby Ashley
that is literally it, normally my plans and one to two pages along in a 2B5 lecture book. i really do try and keep it as simple as possible so that i have the freedom to add more and move things around as needed.

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