Saturday, August 31, 2024

My writing routine

 In todays blog I will be talking about My writing routine. I will be talking about if I follow a writing schedule or word count and what works and doesn’t for me personally. 

So I have done a lot of different routines over the years from writing every day, following a word count as well as writing once a week for twelve plus hours a day. 

Now that I am a mother I struggle to find time to work on my books so my writing routine looks a lot different nowadays but I find both a schedule and word goal is what makes me do well. 

I personally write Two nights a week both Wednesday and Thursday nights for a minimum of a half an hour. Now I can write pretty fast so I try and aim for over a thousand words a night. I will occasionally write on the weekends as well but I don’t set a goal for that it’s just whatever I can get done. 

I find this works well for me but I would love to know how you guys structure your writing schedules

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