Saturday, September 30, 2023

My best writing routine yet


Writing with a child is very difficult I find it hard to concentrate as well as find the time to be able to write. 

But with this routine I’ve managed to juggle being a mum and writing. 

i write when I can, Which means when my daughter is playing or watching TV I write on my phone.

which means when my daughter is playing or watching TV I write on my phone.

When my daughter is asleep I write on my laptop; and when she’s feeding I plan out books. 

It’s not great because I don’t get to concentrate for long periods of time only 10-15 minutes here and there throughout the day but it works for us and that’s all that matters. 

When it comes to editing I will edit a chapter a day while she’s playing, watching TV, eating or sleeping whatever she’s doing that doesn’t require me I will be editing that one chapter a day. 

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