Friday, May 22, 2020
offline ways to get inspired to write
What I do when I am not writing
Things to know about your characters
Having started a Pinterest board filled with pins around writing. I have slowly begun to realize while I am a good writer (maybe biased, but I have faith in myself and my abilities) I could have more planning done to make my job that bit easier.
I have been a panster for as long as I can remember which is why I love book bibles because I can pants my way through the book but remember vital information that I may forget in the long run like the colours of the characters eyes, birthdays and more.
However, because I am starting more series of books, I need to plan ahead in a sense which I find planning some things to be useful, and they could also be helpful in my solo books like full character outlines.
So I have made an extensive list of things both big and small I have found very useful to know from the start, and while your characters will change and grow throughout your the story, it can be a good idea to start with an outline and change it as you go.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
How to make a book bible/ series bible
A book bible also known as a series bible is a place like a folder or a notebook where you keep all books information. so this is the place where to write their names, what they look like hobbies and all of that so it doesn't randomly change in the middle of book one or even in the third book of your series.
even if you are a Panster like me it can be really beneficial to have one of these, you don't need to have a book outline in this just the small details you need to remember so you dont randomly change something like eye colour throughout the books.
things you should have/what I have in a book/series bible are
- series name
- start and end date of the book
- mini blurb about each book
- word count per chapter
- goals for the book (word/chapter etc.)
- key information like things that need to go into the next book
- characters name
- age
- race/kind
- hair/eye/skin colour
- height/ build
- marks on the body (tattoos, scars etc.)
- skills and abilities
- personality
- living situation
- family
- occupation
- history
- life experience
- education
- history