Wednesday, May 13, 2020

How to make a book bible/ series bible

making a book bible was foreign to me not that long ago, I didn't even know what they were but now I have made five-book bibles for different stories and they are amazing so here is some information on them and how to make your own.

A book bible also known as a series bible is a place like a folder or a notebook where you keep all books information. so this is the place where to write their names, what they look like hobbies and all of that so it doesn't randomly change in the middle of book one or even in the third book of your series.

even if you are a Panster like me it can be really beneficial to have one of these, you don't need to have a book outline in this just the small details you need to remember so you dont randomly change something like eye colour throughout the books.

things you should have/what I have in a book/series bible are

  • series name
  • start and end date of the book
  • mini blurb about each book
  • word count per chapter
  • goals for the book (word/chapter etc.)
  • key information like things that need to go into the next book

  • characters name
  • age
  • race/kind 
  • hair/eye/skin colour
  • height/ build
  • marks on the body (tattoos, scars etc.)
  • skills and abilities
  • personality
  • living situation
  • family
  • occupation
  • history
  • life experience
  • education
  • history
and there you have it, I book these now for all my book series and even just some of my stand-alone books that I am forgetting a lot of information. these can be done digitally or even physically all up to you.

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