Friday, May 22, 2020

Things to know about your characters

Having started a Pinterest board filled with pins around writing. I have slowly begun to realize while I am a good writer (maybe biased, but I have faith in myself and my abilities) I could have more planning done to make my job that bit easier. 

I have been a panster for as long as I can remember which is why I love book bibles because I can pants my way through the book but remember vital information that I may forget in the long run like the colours of the characters eyes, birthdays and more.

However, because I am starting more series of books, I need to plan ahead in a sense which I find planning some things to be useful, and they could also be helpful in my solo books like full character outlines.

So I have made an extensive list of things both big and small I have found very useful to know from the start, and while your characters will change and grow throughout your the story, it can be a good idea to start with an outline and change it as you go.

characters full name:
reason or meaning of name: 
characters nickname:
reason for the nickname:
mothers name:
fathers name:

how old does he/she look:
body build:
eye colour:
skin tone:
distinguishing features or marks (scars, glasses, tattoos etc.):
hair colour:
type of hair:
does your character have any disabilities or disorders and what:

family situation:
friend situation:
home town:
type of childhood:
dream job:
actual job:
current location:
currently living with:
bad experiences in life:
good experiences in life:

good traits:
bad traits:
mood character is often in:
sense of humour:
characters greatest joy in life:
characters fear:
nervous tics:

does your character smoke:
do any drugs:
favourite colour:
least favourite colour:

logical or emotional:
daredevil or cautious:
introvert or extrovert:

there you have it my list of things I find useful to know about my characters. let me know what you find useful in the comments if it isn't already on the list

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