Friday, May 22, 2020

offline ways to get inspired to write

I live in an area that is prone to power outs which when you want to get inspired to write to either work or pass the time can be hard, so I have compiled a list of ways I get inspired to write when there is no internet or when you want a break from being online all the time.

I pay for Spotify premium so that I can download podcast episodes and music to get inspired while being offline. My favourite music that inspires me is rock and my favourite podcast to get in the mood is I Should Be Writing by Mur Lafferty.

Outside of Spotify, I read another writers work which gets my mind flowing with different words then the hardest bit is putting those words onto paper (of a word document)

Or I will go out into nature if weather permits and stare at the woods and imagine in my book what my characters would be doing if they were in the real world.

How do you get inspiration?

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