Thursday, December 26, 2019

15,000 words in a week challenge

on June 1st, 2019 i asked my Instagram story a question. they had to decide if i did a 12-hour writing sprint or if i had to write 15k words in a seven day period. they, of course, decided i had to write 15,000 words in a week so i did. i set out to work out how many words i had to write in a day to pass the challenge the number, of course, was unrealistic at 2142.857143 so i had to round up to 2143 words a day. i had three projects the words could go towards. project transfer. my wattpad book The Heartless Alpha or this very blog.

Day One

day one was very easy, i was able to write a grand total of 2212 putting me over my word count for the day by 69 words. 1320 of my word count was on my wattpad book. i decided not to write for my blog at this stage so the remaining 892 words were on my novel. i found it quite easy to do this because i had all the inspiration in the world that i needed at this point.

Day Two

day two was very similar to the day before. i had managed to write 2208 words all of which were on my novel. giving me an extra 65 words on top of the 69 from the day before. i was very happy with the turnout and knew if i kept up the way i was going i would be done in no time.

Day Three

day three was when everything went downhill i had only managed to write 274 words on my novel making the few words i had made up for look really bad in comparison. even with the 134 words i had leftover it only put me up to 408 words which meant i was still 1735 words behind. i put the lag of work down to the fact i had to go in for an appointment and i wasn't very motivated when i finally did get home.

Day Four

day four kept me on the very big standstill. i was able to write 713 words. i don't know what was really stopping me other than a mental block. this put me behind by 3165 words. not sure how i was meant to fix this small block i decided to put it off and hope that the last three days would go well

Day Five
day five was a very good day in one aspect while i was able to write 4380 words, 1491 words on my blog with my post, Author interview with myself and the 2889 words leftover were on my wattpad book. while that was very good. keeping in mind i was over by 2237 words it still left me under what i should be by 276 words.

Day Six

day six was a very long day. we had to drive an hour away for multiple appointments and shopping i had only managed to write 960 words which added to what i was already behind wasn't promising what so ever i was now behind by 1459 words putting my total so far at 10747 words. knowing i had to write 4253 words the next day i was sure i would be failing unless i had another good day like day five

Day Seven

waking up day six i was a nervous wreck. i had the worst sleep of my life and a huge goal in front of me that i wasn't sure how to fix. i joined my writing sprint group for a 25-minute word sprint which gave with 939 words in a very short amount of time. very happy with the results i went and started writing this blog post which put me up by 763 words. i took it away and was left with 2565 words left to write. determined to pass this challenge and not fail i went back to my novel and did a draft plan of what i needed to write and then started writing again landing up with an extra 1751 words unhappy with the outcome since i was 800 words behind i took to wattpad and wrote 849 words I decided to tally it all up and was amazed that i had written 1751 words putting me at a grand total of 4305 words for the day. i had finally passed my goal of 15k words in a week and i was even over by 49 words. i know for a fact i will definitely try this again. 

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