Thursday, December 26, 2019

writing process tag | NaNoWriMo edition

NaNoWriMo is always a fun time, 50k words in a month makes it a fun challenge and one that actually gets me writing to my full potential. because in July i wrote project hybrid mate i decided to write the next book in the series during this NaNoWriMo and that is project choice so here is a special NaNoWriMo edition of my writing process tag.

1.) what am i working on

i am working on project choice. project choice is the prequel story to my NaNoWriMo project in July. project choice follows Dee from the moment he met Ruby, it shows every aspect of him making the decision to be with Evelin instead of ruby and then realizing Ruby isn't who he thought she was at the beginning of their relationship, jam-packed with fights, real emotion and more.

2.) how does my work differ from others of its genre

i think my work differs more from other books in its genre because it mixes paranormal elements and romance together while including mixes of creatures that wouldn't normally go together in the same person/ story, it is also in first person present tense which you don't see normally outside of wattpad and written in such a way that it makes sense and teleports you into the main characters life and mindset.

3.) why do i write what i do

i write what i do because i enjoy it, i have played around with a few genres and nothing has stood out to me/I haven't thought my work was very good until i found myself writing paranormal romance. when i write in this category i feel everything in the real world disappear and i just fall in love with my story. i also have been fascinated with paranormal stuff since i was young and this is a way i can express my knowledge and change it to the way i feel like it would be if it was real.

4.) how does my writing process work

because this is apart of a three-story series i have had to plan so my first action was to plan out what needs to happen. next, i go through the first book project hybrid mate and find all the bits that i wrote in rubies POV that needs to be rewritten in Dees POV and put it in a separate document for when i need it. i then start writing. once i have finished my first draft which will be over NaNoWriMo 50k it should actually be around 56k like project hybrid mate i will let it sit for a few months, around three to five before i will start editing, adding deleting and making it 1000% times better, i will do around five edits myself and then i will send it away to my editor, i then re-read their edits and change what i need to.

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