Saturday, December 28, 2019

My experience Camp NaNoWriMo July 2019

for the first time ever i decided to participate in a Camp NaNoWriMo and my first one being July 2019. i set my goal of 50,000 words and knew i had to complete that goal.
{this is in a dairy sort of format with my thoughts, emotions and word counts}

Day One: today was really easy. i landed up writing a full chapter of 2291 words except when i put that across to Camp NaNoWriMo site to work out the number difference it told me i only wrote 2816 words which isn't a big difference but it made me realize that the app i use to write counts these " ' , as words which is weird but its good to actually know it does that. something i would never have known if i didn't do camp. i was definitely excited to try.

Day Two: today was also easy the words just seemed to flow. i used @NaNoWordSprints today to get some words in. i did three sprints a 10 minute, a 20 minute and a 14 minute. i landed up with 1,647‬ words from all three combined. i wrote half a chapter today and landed up with 1,914 words for the day according to the NaNo site which puts me at 4,730 words in two days! i am meant to get 1,612.90 words a day if i want to win NaNo which means i am already over by 1,504.2 words. almost a full days worth of writing.

Day Three: Today was took a bit longer than the other days i got in 1948 words according to the site my camp finally remembered that camp was on which is good i don't like writing alone. i am now extremely tired but i am doing amazing and i am so proud of myself. i can't wait to see how many words i can get by day 7.

Day Four: I'm bored of not having any real writer friends who do youtube so we can support each other etc. i got 2121 all while sprinting because i really wasn't in the mood to write, for some reason i was quite depressed today so i couldn't find any motivation to write, i have set a goal of 10k by Day Seven.

Day Five: today i got the least amount of words so far with a total of 1134 nano words while i am not proud of myself for getting this number i know it is better than getting nothing at all. i am on a roll with writing and i am so far really enjoying the experience. i am already working on chapter six which means in five days i have written four chapters.

Day Six: i wrote 1245 words today, my words each day seem to go down and up but i have not gotten under 1,000 words so far which i am proud of. i filmed my week one update since it is getting filmed every 6th day and uploaded every 7th.

Day Seven: i was over my word count goal with a total of 12192 for the first week. i wrote 1014 words today according to the site all of which i had validated. i am feeling very proud of myself for reaching this number Week one update

Day Eight: today i filmed a 12-hour write-a-ton which i worked on five different projects but out of the five different projects i was able to write 5157 of the words on my camp project, today was the first day of week two and i am so happy that i started it off with a bang, if i can write any words tomorrow is the major question right now because my mind is mash potatoes. but my goal this week is to write 11k words

Day Nine: today I only wrote 128 words, which is the lowest yet but i think it's okay because of doing so much writing yesterday

Day Ten: today i was able to get 1199 words out and onto the paper, a lot better then the day before but i am definitely behind in the words i should be writing, while i am reaching my goal thank god, if i don't get a move on i will have to add more chapters, maybe instead of hammering a chapter out a day i spread it out three days to get the word in? i have no idea.

Day Eleven: today was way better than the last two days at 1865 words. finally getting somewhere haha

Day Twelve: going downwards again, only was able to write 602 words, i am losing motivation to write, which is never a good thing.

Day Thirteen: managed to get out 1342, at the moment i am just on my way yo hitting my daily goals each day but it is not easy.

Day Fourteen: i hit my word goal of 11k. i wrote 1233 words today putting me at 11528 words for the week. week two update is out.

Day Fifteen: setting myself a goal of 12k words for this week. which will put me at 35,718 words which means in the last 10 days i will only have to write 14,282 words which is really easy. i also wrote 2623 words today which means i am 47 words away from the half waypoint. i know i can do this and it makes me so happy

Day Sixteen: only was able to get in 689 words because i had to go to the doctors

Day Seventeen: 917 words gotten in today, i couldn't concentrate very well and i started to lose motivation to write

Day Eighteen: i got 3018 words in which is awesome, getting close to the end of my story which i am excited about, only one more chapter after this one to go but i still have a lot of words to go which is stressful

Day Nineteen: i easily got 1760 words today, landed up writing 500 of that in ten minutes which was impressive

Day Twenty: landed up with 1342 words today, i wrote the engagement sense which made me cry since i got into a fight with my crush so wasn't in the mood to write any kind of an engagement bit

Day Twenty-one: let's just say i am proud that i got 14641 words this week and 4292 of those words today, i have just over 11k words left to add though rewrites because i wrote the last chapter today, camp NaNoWriMo week three update | July 2019

Day Twenty-two: this weeks goal is 7k words, i wrote 1100 words which is impressive since i am now having to add words via re-reading the script,

Day Twenty-three: today i wrote putting me up for a total of 827 words for the day which puts me at a grand total of 40,289 i think the 9,711 i am missing will be easy to get since we still have 7 days to get it

Day Twenty-four: today i wrote 5515 words, i don't know if i will win this week but i know i will win

Day Twenty-five: today i wrote 4235 words making me at a grand total of 50,036 words. I WON I won Camp NaNoWriMo week for update | July 2019

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